
The Sinai retreat is specifically for Obedience members. Members are based all over the UK and the retreat gives members a chance to come together and put a name to the faces of other Obedience members. It is a great opportunity to spend quality time with like-minded Christians in fellowship.

What we do at the Retreat

The format of the Obedience retreats includes games, activities, prayer, bible study, worship and general hanging out. You will not be asked to wake up or sleep at a fixed time, we follow a flexible schedule. Group members are allowed to input into what they’d like to see on the retreat; we’ve done finance workshops, movie nights, painting workshops, board games, and more so if you’re coming and have a suggestion about what we can do, it will be considered.



The Chellington Centre is in a pretty remote location so if you’re going to have issues reaching the venue please contact an Obedience leader and they will do their best to assist you. Please bear in mind that transportation costs are not covered in the fee for the retreat. Check out the pictures below to get a feel of the venue or click here to find out more on their website.


Payment should be made in two instalments. The first instalment secures your space and should be paid as soon as possible; the second instalment is due 6 weeks before and should be paid before the arrival date. Please send a message to an Obedience leader to confirm once you’ve made the payment. Also, if you’re having financial difficulty making payments, please contact the Obedience leadership for advice.

Key things to note

Although Obedience is open to all denominations, it is undeniably influenced by the Charismatic movement and therefore we believe in and practice speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing, laying of hands, and other supernatural giftings of the Holy Spirit as detailed in 1 Corinthians 12:8–10.

Everyone who attends the retreat will be expected to help out with cleaning up, tidying, cooking, etc where possible.