W.O.R.D. - Christian Training & Research

Vision & Mission

W.O.R.D. is Obedience’s training & research department in Biblical studies for the purpose of establishing Christian discipleship. The acronym abbreviates: Working on Refining Disciples and is a sub-ministry of Obedience.

The need for sound doctrine is not new and in a social media age where sound-bite doctrine prevails, it has become even more important for ministries to demarcate the lines between true and false doctrine. Obedience deeply cares for the Biblical literacy and resilience of its members; W.O.R.D. seeks to serve in acquainting its members with the whole counsel of God to make one wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

So the vision is simple: The W.O.R.D. Ministry exists to search out and examine, to rightly divide and carefully handle the Word of God to systematically reveal knowledge, to prove the truth and equip disciples for the glory of God.

This helps us form our foundational and ongoing operation: To establish a world-class Christian training and research platform through designing and delivering interactive resources to stimulate Christian discipleship in young people.

‘Our 5-year plan, by God’s grace, is to teach and disciple 1000 people’.

Team & Strategy

The team of Obedience Facilitators are from within the Obedience ministry and comprise of individuals who are passionate about the Word of God, hungry in their pursuit of growth in Jesus, have an aptitude for writing and research, have proven to be skilled teachers and hold their responsibilities with humility in the Fear of the Lord.




Need Support or Have Questions?

Get in touch with the W.O.R.D. Admin team through the group chat if you need support/have any questions or email word@teamobedience.com.

Shekinah - Intercessory Prayer Group


Shekinah is an intercession prayer group where we focus primarily on intercessory prayer, this includes (but isn’t limited to) responding to prayer requests from people in the Obedience groups, praying for the Obedience ministry, the nation(s) and prevalent issues of our time. Ultimately we pray as the Holy Spirit leads. All prayer requests are recorded on a secure list and the Shekinah Intercessory Team pray over them during our weekly prayer calls which take place on:


Thursdays at 9 PM & Sundays at 8:30 PM


Shekinah is distinct from the main Obedience group in that there is a greater emphasis on, and frequency of prayer. Shekinah sits under the Obedience group and is still subject to the same rules and values that are upheld in Obedience. The requirements for being in Shekinah are more stringent than with the main Obedience group. If you wish to become a member you must be willing to actively participate in the prayer calls and be active in the group chat. Only people that have an appetite for prayer and are happy to take on the burden of their brothers and sisters in prayer belong in this group.


To join Shekinah, message any of the Obedience leadership team (you can get their contact details by asking in the group chat), or alternatively you can email info@teamobedience.com

Submit a Prayer Request



Sisterhood - Women's Fellowship Group

Welcome to the SISTERHOOD

Sisterhood means loving someone as they are, while consistently challenging them to reach their potential in Christ and God’s will for their life.

The purpose of this ministry is to serve and disciple the women of God as they strive to become more like Christ. We reflect the values of Obedience with a specific focus on the needs of women and the challenges they face on the journey of faith. We want to instil a passion and love for Jesus Christ, to live a life solely founded on Biblical truths and to foster lifelong friendships.

How often do we meet up?

We meet up every third Wednesday of the month via Zoom. During these meetings we discuss the issues specific to the women of God in a loving environment. We take this time to deepen our relationship with the Lord. 

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God” Titus 2:3‭-‬5

You belong here! Let’s re-discover God’s purpose for women together.

If you’d like to  join the group, please contact Gayle Marufu in the Obedience group chat.


B.A.S.S. - Men's Fellowship Group


B.A.S.S. is Obedience’s men’s ministry, where the focus is to create a place where men can discover and develop their Biblical identities and purpose through frequent fellowship, trust and transparency, sound Christian doctrine and prayer, exhortations and life-on-life discipleship. The ministry frequently connects via WhatsApp group chat and a monthly zoom call covering topics that pertain to men.

Based on the 1 Corinthians 16:13, B.A.S.S. stands for:

  • Be watchful
  • Act like men
  • Stand firm
  • be Strong

Our 5-year Vision – BASS100

  1. We’re working to see the building and discipleship of 100 men serving in Obedience
  2. We want to discover, develop and deploy 100 leaders into their God-ordained Kingdom work

To join B.A.S.S., contact Peter Obeng through the Obedience group chats.

Motherhood - Mother's Fellowship Group

Buddy System

The Obedience buddying system allows you to supplement your spiritual walk by pairing with someone from the Obedience fellowship depending on your needs at the present time. It’s also a great way to meet new people in Obedience. The Buddying system is intended to facilitate temporary fellowship arrangements over 3, 5, or 7 days. If you would like to continue partnering with someone after this period you can arrange that directly with the person you’ve partnered with.

Steps to get started:

(1) Request a buddy

  1. Submit a request for a buddy or respond to a buddy promotion in the group chat.
  2. Think about how long would you like to buddy for: 3, 5, or 7 days,
  3. Decide if there are any particular issues or topics you’d like to focus on.
  4. Consider if you have any other requirements in a potential buddy.

(2) Paired

Once you are paired with your buddy you can agree between yourselves the topics and issues you’ll cover in your fellowship and the best approach going forward. If for example, you’ve chosen to pair for 3 days, you may decide to do 3 days of consecutive fellowship or 3 days of fellowship over 3 weeks, i.e every Monday for the next 3 weeks. It’s important that you commit to the schedule you agree with your buddy, otherwise please notify them–communication is key.

(3) Fellowship

It’s important to introduce yourself to your buddy and build a basic rapport, this will assist in breaking the ice. You may want to tell them how your day went or how you gave your life to Christ to get that going. When praying together, you may want to follow this format:

  1. Introduce yourself (if necessary).
  2. Open in prayer.
  3. Buddy A discusses the issue he/she wants to pray over.
  4. Both Pray for Buddy A (highlighting supporting Scriptures can be beneficial).
  5. Buddy B discusses the issue he/she wants to pray over
  6. Both Pray for Buddy B (highlighting supporting Scriptures can be beneficial).
  7. Close in Prayer.

(4) Feedback

Please feedback your experiences with your Buddy and with Obedience leadership. If your buddy has been particularly helpful don’t forget to show them an appreciation for it.

After your arrangement with your current buddy has come to an end, you can request from the Buddy group leads for another buddy or continue to partner with your buddy on a permanent basis. There’s no need to keep Obedience leadership informed if you decide to do this.